Here is the basic process we will follow every day of the challenge.

There will be some tweaks based on the declutter task of the day, which I will provide in detail to make it easier.


Gather everything from the category you have chosen.


Group similar items together (put like with like).



Decide what to keep and what to get rid of.



Return the keepers.  Discard the rest.  


Today's Challenge - Tops


Location:  Bedroom

Focus:  One Category of Tops

To avoid overwhelm when decluttering clothes, it's really important to break the task down into smaller categories instead of taking EVERYTHING out of the closet at once (have you noticed a pattern this week?).

I recommend you do this task one sub-category at a time:

  • t-shirts
  • sweaters
  • hoodies
  • collared shirts
  • dress shirts, etc.

Once you have all of that sub-category out of the closet (or drawer, or laundry basket), and onto your sorting space, you can start making decisions.

Look at each piece.  Decide if you are going to keep it, or purge it.  Be ruthless.  Consider this about each one: 

  • does it fit?
  • is it in good condition?
  • does it flatter you?
  • do you like it?
  • when was the last time you wore it?

And don't let the following factors deter you from letting it go:

  • how much you paid for it
  • what brand it is
  • that it was a gift
  • that you got a good deal on it
  • that you are holding onto it until you lose those last 10 lbs

Create one pile for the items you are going to keep, and one pile for those you are getting rid of.  If you have some pieces that you can't decide on, create a third pile for "maybe's".  

Just a friendly reminder -- it's perfectly okay to declutter in stages.  Do what you are comfortable with.  It's not an all or nothing proposition; you don't have to do "the great purge" in one fell swoop.  That would be really stressful anyway, and what we're looking for here is practice and progress.  

Now that you know what is staying and what is going, put things where they belong.  Don't forget, if you keep them together as you put them back you'll be one step closer to having your closet easily organized.

Keep the concept of prime real estate in your mind as you put the keepers away.

  • Things you wear frequently should be in a convenient, easy to reach location.
  • Items you wear less frequently can be placed further back, a little more out of reach.

If you are unsure of what to do with the clothes you are purging, the resources below might help you decide.  If you'll be donating, take them to the donation center ASAP so it doesn't become more clutter.

---Pro Tip---

If you are looking to upgrade your clothes hangers, I have found the slim, velvet hangers to be worth the investment.  They truly are space-saving, and they are sturdy, too.  


Want to see the process in action?  I've included a video from a previous challenge when I decluttered my t-shirts.  You can find it under the section below: "From Jeni".



After you complete today's challenge, head over to the private Facebook group and share how you did 🙂. 

Not on Facebook?  Send me an email, I'd love to hear from you!

From Jeni:

The concept of 'prime real estate' is important in organizing.  Keep what you use frequently within easy reach. 


Check out these helpful resources

It can be hard to throw old clothes away, but not everything should be donated.

Check out this article from The Spruce for more information about the do's and don'ts of clothing donation:

What to Know Before You Donate Clothing

Did you know that some clothing items can be recycled?  

Take a look at this article for more information about reducing what goes to the landfill:

How To Recycle Clothing

Wondering what the value of your donation would be? 

Check out this guide from Goodwill:

Donation Value Guide

Meeting You Where You Are

Looking for additional motivation and support?

Head over to the private Facebook group to connect with Jeni and challenge participants.





See you tomorrow with the last task of day of the 5-Day Reset!