Here is the basic process we will follow every day of the challenge.

There will be some tweaks based on the declutter task of the day, which I will provide in detail to make it easier.


Gather everything from the category you have chosen.


Group similar items together (put like with like).



Decide what to keep and what to get rid of.



Return the keepers.  Discard the rest.  


Today's Challenge - Shoes


Location:  Closet / Various

Focus:  Shoes

For our 3rd challenge task, we are going to purge shoes.  You can keep this task very broad and go through all of your shoes at once, or break it down into smaller categories, such as tennis shoes, boots, sandals, dress shoes, etc., to make it more manageable, depending on the number of shoes you own.

Step 1: Gather

Shoes tend to land in various parts of our home.  So before you start, be sure you consider all of the places that you might need to grab your shoes from.

As we've done during the previous two days, you can break this task into a smaller sub-category to keep it manageable and from becoming overwhelming.  

Step 2: Decision-Making

Look at each pair of shoes and decide what to keep and what to purge.

Here are some questions to ask yourself if you get stuck:

  • do they fit?
  • are they comfortable?
  • are they in good condition?
  • do you like them?
  • when was the last time you wore them?
  • do they serve a specific purpose?

And don't let the following factors deter you from letting them go:

  • how much you paid for them
  • what brand they are
  • that they remind you of a certain time in your life or of a special event
  • that you got a good deal on them

Create one pile for the items you are going to keep, and one pile for those you are getting rid of.  If you have some shoes that you can't decide on, create a third pile for "maybe's".  

Don't forget -- it's absolutely okay to declutter in stages.  Do what you are comfortable with.  It's not an all or nothing proposition; you can make just as much progress doing this in stages.  Repetition and practice will help make the declutter process second nature before you know it!

Step 3: Return the Keepers;

As you finish up with your shoes, think about the best place to put the keepers.  Should they all live in the closet (or whatever other designated space you have for shoes)?  Or could the shoes you don't wear often live elsewhere, like a spare bedroom closet, coat closet, in the garage or  the basement?

---Pro Tip---

Arranging your shoes in opposite directions is a space-saving way to store them.


Want to see the process in action?  I've included a video from a previous challenge when I decluttered my shoes.  You can find it under the section below: "From Jeni".



After you complete today's challenge, head over to the private Facebook group and share how you did 🙂. 

Not on Facebook?  Send me an email, I'd love to hear from you!

From Jeni:

Being able to identify your stumbling blocks and asking questions about why you are struggling can help you move through the process more easily. 


Check out these helpful printables

Working Through Common Stumbling Blocks


Explore Why You Want to Keep It

Meeting You Where You Are

Looking for additional motivation and support?

Head over to the private Facebook group to connect with Jeni and challenge participants.





See you tomorrow with a new task for day four of the 5-Day Reset!