Here is the basic process we will follow every day of the challenge.

There will be some tweaks based on the declutter task of the day, which I will provide in detail to make it easier.


Gather everything from the category you have chosen.


Group similar items together (put like with like).



Decide what to keep and what to get rid of.



Return the keepers.  Discard the rest.  


Today's Challenge - Expired Health & Beauty Items



Location:  Various

Focus:  Health and/or Beauty Products


  • surface for sorting
  • cleaning cloth

For day 2, we are going to tackle our health and/or beauty products.  


Reminder - before you begin, make sure you have a place to do the sorting.

Step 1

Gather the items to declutter and place them on your sorting workspace.  If you have multiple bathrooms or closets where you keep those items, make this task more manageable by working on just one of those locations.  Be sure and grab all items of the category (or location) you are going to work on so you can see everything you have at one time.  

Step 2

Check the expiration date on each item that has one.  Put those that are expired off to the side.  Then look over all of the remaining items.  Are there some things that are still good but you know you won't use?  Don't feel obligated to keep something that could be used if you know you never will.  Add those to the purge pile.


Step 3

Now that those items to be purged are out of the way, group the keepers together by type (or by where they live in your home).  Make a list of any expired products that you need to replace.  

Step 4

Return the items to their designated home(s), keeping them together in the groups you created in Step 3.  Don't forget to take a minute to wipe down the shelf or cabinet before you put them back.

 If you are unsure of how to dispose of your unused medications, please see the resources below for guidance.

Want to see the process in action?  I've included a video from a previous challenge when I decluttered my bathroom cabinets  You can find it under the section below: "From Jeni".



After you complete today's challenge, head over to the private Facebook group and share how you did 🙂. 

Not on Facebook?  Send me an email, I'd love to hear from you!

From Jeni:

Sorting into categories makes the declutter process easier because you can see all similar items at once.


Check out these helpful resources

Need a refresher on where or how to properly dispose of unused medicine?  

How to Dispose of Unused Medicines

Where to Dispose of Unused Medicines

Learn more about recycling empty beauty product containers.

How to Recycle Empty Beauty Products

Wondering if those skin care products are still good?  

How long do skin care products last

Meeting You Where You Are

Looking for additional motivation and support?

Head over to the private Facebook group to connect with Jeni and challenge participants.





See you tomorrow with a new task for day three of the 5-Day Reset!